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For over 65 years,
rice experts.

Responsability and quality mark the trajectory of a group that loves what it does, and this passion can be felt in every grain.

Click the button below to learn about our story:

Mulher utilizando tecnologia no campo

Quality that starts in the field.

From field to table, we can say that we are dedicated to rice. Therefore, we incorporate Good Manufacturing Practices and HACCP Certification standards, to provide de highest level of safety to our costumers. Besides that, we hold the Storage Unit Certification.

Prato de arroz sobre uma superfície cinza

Highly Nutritious.

Panela de arroz sobre uma superfície cinza

Easy to Cook.

Grãos de arroz espalhados em uma superfície cinza


With specially selected grains, Granjeiro Rice has an unmatched flavor. Loose on the plate, delicious on the palate. 

Granjeiro Line

Gringo Rice is the perfect option for your everyday life. Easy to cook, fluffy and delicious.

Gringo Line

Unforgettable flavor with a taste of homemade food. Vó Maria Rice brings all our quality to your table.

Vó Maria Line

The economical line has greater cost-benefit, providing you with health and flavor more economically.

Economic Line

Discover our products:

Tigela de arroz branco


  • Establish trusting, long-term relations.


  • Become a reference in security and seriousness in commercial and professional relationships.


  • Integrity, commitment and dedication;

  • Simplify business for our costumers;

Reunião empresarial em um escritório

Business assurance.

Engenho Coradini has several sales teams, located in different regions of Brazil, to better serve your business.
Find the sales team in your region by clicking the button below.

Committed to a better future.

We work today, focused on tomorrow.

With this in mind, we use renewable energy sources in our industrial procedures, using solar energy and reusing rice husks to generate electricity. Furthermore, through reverse logistics, we guarantee that part of our product packaging is destined for recycling.

Mãe e filha sorrindo abraçadas


Clique no botão abaixo para efetuar o download da tabela nutricional completa.

Tamanhos Aproximados ( C x A x L )*cm

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